Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pink eye and being Jobless

So I woke up this morning and Ian wasn't next to me. So I was a little irritated that he didn't say goodbye. But, the previous evening, I had opened the wooden blinds and never closed them. I wanted to sleep in a little....So I got up to close them, turned around, and there's Earball. (Casey and I call Ian this...long story.) So he's standing in the doorway to our bedroom in a long sleeve tshirt and boxers. And looked like he was dying. And I said "you're home?". And he got closer and I could see that his eye was literally looking like it was going to fall out of his head. Literally. All pink and swollen and runny. Great. Freakin pink eye.

So I haul his ass to the doctor this morning; it was more like an urgent care center. But whatever. So they tell me there's two types of pink eye: viral and bacterial. I never knew this. He tested negative for strep, so that's good. Anyway, they think it's viral, so he seriously just has to let it go away. Now he has to go back to work and be treated like a monster for the next week and a half. Sorry earball. Don't get your eye runny stuff near me. I have a job to find.

So this afternoon, at 1pm...I went to a job fair. It was insanity. If you need a nice example of how bad the economy is, go to a job fair. They snaked a line down the HUGE (100 yards maybe?) foyer of this church and down another hallway (50 yards?). I probably waited for a half hour to get in; the line moved quickly. But when I got in there, I quickly realized that it was a blatant waste of my time. I was home by 2pm.

I came home, we went to the bank to add earball to the checking account. (He had to be in person and wasn't with me when I opened the account.) We then went to cookout. Oh my god. If you're coming to visit, you'll be going to Cookout with us. The best burgers I've ever had. And their milkshakes are to die for. And they have like 40 different flavors of shakes. So we had Cookout. And it was super-nummy. The Oreo shakes are amazing. Capital A-mazing. I can't even tell you. Mmm.

So we get home, and I want comfy clothes on. And Ian (aka earball) wants to take a nap. Cool. So I lay down and my phone rings. It's a guy who found my resume on Monster.com. Can you believe it? He wants to know how soon I can come in....and they need someone RIGHT away. And he even asked if I can come "now"!??!?!? I was like, "I'd be happy to meet you in the morning." So I have an 8AM interview tomorrow. For "office manager". And I'm super excited. =)I think it's a nice title for secretary, since he explained I'd be answering the phones and normal clerical duties.

Earball is still sleeping. Ranger definitely needs a buddy; he's been acting strangely sad since Casey left. And he totally loves Casey. I think maybe he's bored or missing home. We need another dog and it's going to be soon.

So far, things I love about NC:
1) Sunshine every day, all day. Literally. The temp can get chilly. But it's always sunny (or it has been) and I love that. It really helps your spirits.
2) Cookout. See rambling explanation above.
3) My new house.
4) The quiet of Kernersville. We live in the middle of nowhere. And it's nice. Very nice.
5) The people are so damn friendly. It's addicting.
6) The cute way everyone says "ya'll". I can feel it coming already.
7) The idea of having 2 cities so close to me: Winston-Salem and Greensboro. I was telling everyone I was moving to Greensboro, but we're way closer to Winston-Salem. We practically live IN Winston-Salem. But I'll take Kernersville, thankyouverymuch.
8) Ranger has a yard.
9) You can look like a slob in a hooded sweatshirt and jeans, and no one cares. Because this is college-town USA and everyone else pretty much is wearing jeans and a sweatshirt too. Yee-haw.
10) My new haircut: I'll have to post a pic. Eventually. It's so darn cute.

Wish me luck tomorrow. I'll let you all know how it goes.


  1. very excited for your interview. a someecard may be in order. although---sorry i broke up with you via changing my facebook status didnt get the job done...but maybe it would if i sent it :p missssssss you!

  2. good luck!! sounds promising * PS- i kinda understand earball...and ive always thought of ball of earwax when i hear it. gross. poor Ian LoL

  3. Well now I will forever think of Ians earwax. Thank you for that. lol
